Elvis Presley’s Granddaughter Was Able To Stop The Auction Of Graceland

Elvis Presley’s Granddaughter Was Able To Stop The Auction Of Graceland | Society Of Rock Videos

via TODAY / Youtube

Elvis Presley’s granddaughter, Riley Keough, emerged victorious in a legal battle against an investment company’s attempt to auction off Graceland, the iconic home of the King of Rock and Roll. The saga unfolded following the passing of Lisa Marie Presley in 2023, leaving Keough as the sole heir to the historic estate.

The dispute centered around claims made by Naussany Investments and Private Lending LLC, alleging that they were owed money loaned to Lisa Marie Presley in 2018, with Graceland serving as collateral. However, Elvis Presley Enterprises, which manages Graceland, denounced these claims as fraudulent upon learning of the company’s intentions to auction off the estate.

Keough’s legal team swiftly took action, arguing that the purported loan never occurred and raising doubts about the legitimacy of Naussany Investments as a bona fide entity. They asserted that the loan documents were forged, including her mother’s signature, and questioned the authenticity of Naussany Investments itself, suggesting it might be a fabricated entity designed for fraudulent purposes.

In response to the legal challenge, a Shelby County judge in Memphis issued a temporary injunction on the auction, effectively halting the proceedings. Subsequently, Naussany Investments withdrew their claim, conceding to Keough’s legal stance. The withdrawal was made with prejudice, preventing Naussany from re-filing their claim in the future.

While Naussany Investments maintained that they harbored no ill intentions towards Keough, questions lingered about the legitimacy of their claim and the identity of those behind the company. Despite efforts by local media to uncover information about Naussany Investments, little was revealed about its origins or associations.

The resolution of the legal dispute marked a significant victory for Keough, preserving the legacy of Graceland as a cherished symbol of Elvis Presley’s life and career. Keough’s successful defense against the auction safeguarded the estate’s historical and cultural significance.

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