Ann Wilson Thinks Music Isn’t In The Hands Of Humans Anymore

Ann Wilson Thinks Music Isn’t In The Hands Of Humans Anymore | Society Of Rock Videos

via Cal Vid / Youtube

Heart’s legendary singer Ann Wilson has expressed her worries regarding the status of the music business as it stands right now.

Wilson stated in a recent interview with Trib Live that she thinks technology has drastically altered the music industry, and not always in a positive way.

Reflecting on the early days of her career, Wilson noted how the industry has become “unrecognizable.” She pointed out that the advent of streaming and the reliance on algorithms have shifted control away from human hands. Wilson said:

“It doesn’t seem like it’s in the hands of humans these days.
“I feel like it’s more or less been given to the computers to compartmentalize and pick apart all the music and decide which genre they’re part of and then to stick them in that little pigeonhole.”

When people used to turn on the radio and wait to hear their favorite music, Wilson reminisced about that period. This is different from how people listen to music nowadays, she added, as streaming services build playlists using algorithms rather than DJs with human judgment.

Wilson drew attention to one drawback even though she noted that streaming services provide musicians the ability to reach a worldwide audience. She remarked:

“It also takes away some of the quality control.
“If every single person can make an album, then what’s special about that? I don’t know.”

Wilson’s comments underscore a growing concern among artists about the overwhelming quantity of music available today and the challenge of maintaining quality and uniqueness in such a saturated market.

Is Heart Touring?

Despite her reservations about the music industry, Wilson remains active with Heart. The band embarked on their Royal Flush tour in April, their first extensive tour since 2019. This tour, which also features Cheap Trick, is set to keep them on the road for much of 2024.

Heart’s hiatus was partly due to a family dispute in 2016, when Ann’s husband was involved in an incident with the teenage sons of her sister and bandmate, Nancy. This incident caused a rift between the Wilson sisters, which took several years to mend. Their return to touring indicates that they have moved past this personal conflict. Ann explained in the interview:

“Keeping a band together, you could call it like keeping a marriage together.
“If you pay attention to all the little ins and outs of it and the chemistry of it, then it could work and it could work for a long time. I think Heart is a good example of a creative idea that just goes and goes and goes because it’s a good idea.”

Ann Wilson’s insights offer a valuable perspective on the evolving music industry, reminding us of the importance of the human touch in an increasingly digital world. Meanwhile, Heart’s ongoing success and reunion on the road show the enduring power of their music and the resilience of family bonds.

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