Park Rangers Try To Scare Bear Away With Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man”

Park Rangers Try To Scare Bear Away With Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man” | Society Of Rock Videos

via CPW NE Region / Youtube

It appears that animals adore heavy metal. The list of animals who love metal is endless, ranging from headbanging horses to canines snarling over death metal to orcas who love the genre. One such animal is a band led by the parrot Hatebeak. We may now include black bears in that list.

This week, a black bear that had moved into a residential neighborhood prompted rangers from Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s Northeast Region to respond. The bear was reluctant to go after feasting on rubbish.

You could believe that seeing a bear in your garden when you wake up is enough to make you run if you’ve seen The Revenant. It wasn’t quite that dramatic, though, as the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Twitter account told everyone.

Initially, the rangers managed to coax the bear out of a tree, but it quickly climbed into another one, showing it wasn’t ready to leave. The rangers needed to get creative. They teamed up with the Golden Police Department and used a drone to try and scare the bear with noise. But this tactic didn’t work.

In a more imaginative attempt, they decided to blast Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man” from the drone, hoping the heavy metal would drive the bear away. Surprisingly, the bear seemed unfazed by the music. As the song played, someone was heard joking, “If he starts banging his head, we’ve got a problem.”

After a few more hours of patient waiting, the rangers finally managed to coax the bear down from the tree. Colorado Parks and Wildlife shared a few important lessons from this encounter on Twitter:

  1. Keep Your Trash Secure: Bears are attracted to easily accessible trash. This bear had eaten garbage left out overnight. To protect bears and avoid similar situations, keep your trash inside until the morning of trash day.
  2. Remember, Bears Are Wild: While bears might seem cute, they are still wild animals. Interactions should be minimized for everyone’s safety.
  3. Black Bears Don’t Mind Black Sabbath: Apparently, heavy metal music, even the legendary Black Sabbath, isn’t enough to deter a determined bear.

So, in the end, it was clear who won the battle. The black bear remained unimpressed by Black Sabbath, proving that sometimes, even the loudest metal isn’t enough to faze nature.

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