Dave Mustaine Shares One Things That Annoys Him The Music Industry

Dave Mustaine Shares One Things That Annoys Him The Music Industry | Society Of Rock Videos

YouTube / Metal Injection

Dave Mustaine, the driving force behind Megadeth, has been a major figure in the music industry for over forty years. Throughout his career, he’s experienced both highs and lows. Reflecting on his extensive journey, Mustaine recently shared what irritates him the most in the music business: people who don’t know what they’re doing.

In an interview with Greece’s Rock Hard, Mustaine vented his frustrations:

“Well, I guess the thing that annoys me the most in the music business is people who don’t know what they’re doing, and I think that’s pretty normal. Whenever you come across people who don’t know what they’re doing, it’s hard to be around them, you know? It’s hard, because they want to come across like they know stuff, and a lot of times, there are people that can help, but more often than not, they don’t help.”

Mustaine has faced many such people trying to steer his band in different directions, leading him to create Megadeth’s own record label, Tradecraft. This move gave him control and relief from outside pressures, leading Megadeth’s path his way.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is now dominating even the music industry. Mustaine has a balanced view of AI’s potential impact. He said:

“I guess it’s just like anything. If it’s used for good, then it’ll be harmless. If it’s used for bad, then it’s probably going to be very bad. I don’t think there’s anything in AI, that’s not done in moderation, that’s going to be good for us.”

When asked if he might use AI for Megadeth’s future music, Mustaine was open but cautious.

“I would have to check it out, and see for myself, because I’m not exactly sure. I heard somebody had done a Megadeth AI song. I heard a little bit of it, and I thought, ‘Well, that doesn’t sound like me, because the words were not mine.’ They were words similar to what I would say, but it wasn’t really a good track.”

Despite new trends and technologies, Mustaine remains devoted to thrash metal. His love for the genre is unwavering.

“It’s remarkable that I can still play. I am glad I’m still playing. I don’t want to play if the fans think I shouldn’t be playing. If we started doing music that wasn’t heavy and it wasn’t thrash, I would probably not want to do it anymore.”

For Mustaine, thrash metal isn’t just a style of music; it’s a source of energy and inspiration. He explained with passion:

“Thrash metal music is one of those things that makes you feel alive inside. I can’t remember anything that I’ve ever experienced that makes me feel as good as thrash metal — not a drug, not a drink, not a person, not a thing. It was just the music and the energy that comes out.”

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